WithoutFearV1.0.rar—download at filefront

Released at: 11 August 2004
download from Froz's Mods download from Gamag.org
download from Max Payne Headquarters
download from FilePlanet
download from Daddeln.de
download from Giga.de
download Skinpatch for the version 1.0 from Froz's Mods
download final trailer from MPZ
official readme:
Kung-Fu modification for Max Payne 2 ------------------------------------ Installing and running: ----------------------- Unzip the kungfu10.mp2m file to your Max Payne 2 folder. Start the game (developer mode recommended, see "Main Menu, Level Selector") and select kungfu10 from the mods dropdown list and hit play. Main Menu --------- Kung-Fu Tutorial - Practice moves and fight enemies in this dojo map. Time Attack - Punch the bags in time to advance to the next levels... Level Selector - Play any Max Payne 2 level with Kung-Fu. Developer mode is required to equip Kung-Fu. Start MaxPayne2.exe with the parameter -developer "MaxPayne2.exe -developer". Ingame toggle console by pressing the button left from "1". Type "getkungfu" or "coder". How to perform the moves? ------------------------- There are 2 "move sets". First set is executed by being still and tapping a direction while also pressing the shootdodge button. The other set is executed by being in move, tapping a direction while pressing shootdodge button. Moves: STILL: up = forward kick combo upright = roundhouse upleft = roundhouse2 right = legsweep down = med. kick + high kick combo left = cartwheel IN MOVE: up = flykick/jumpkick upright = butterfly kick upleft = aerial roundhouse left = cartwheel down = backflip downleft = backflip to left downright = backflip to right If you fall a certain height you will pound the ground with a powerfist. Credits ------- Thanks goes to Kenneth Yeung for inventing the original KungFu system for Max Payne. Froz - Animations Froz - Coding Aztec - Player model Froz - Mapping Froz - Menus etc. Suggestions, comments etc. go to rautakuoro@hotmail.com
Sketchbook Sam by Froz (13MB)
download form MPZ
download from Froz's Mods
Released at: 13 August 2004
Sketchbook Sam - Chapter I v.1.0
(c) 2004 Tommi Saalasti (tommi.saalasti@pp.inet.fi, rautakuoro@hotmail.com)
Hello and thanks for downloading my mod, I hope
you will enjoy playing it, it was fun to do!
Installing & Running
Copy both the sketchbook_sam.mp2m and intro folder to your Max Payne 2
folder. Run the game and select sketchbook_sam from the mods list and
hit play. Note! If you have a data folder in your MP2 folder, rename
it to something else, otherwise the mod won't propably work.
Your goal is to reach the end of the level, the
"vortex warper", that warps you to the next level/
worldmap. You will encounter numerous villains.
Majority of them can be defeated by simply jumping
on them (Space bar + W or S). Some cannot be killed
and only harm you if you try jumping on em, so be
There are 3 pickups in the mod. First is the syringe
that replenishes your health. The second one is the
piller that makes you immortal for a short time.
Finally the third one is a NES cartridge. Collect them
all (total 4) and you unlock a bonus exit vortex in the
last level, below the real vortex...
Controls are simple. Use W to go forward, S to go backwards.
Use mouse to turn around and space to jump. You can also
try pressing the right mousebutton while pressing W, to
perform a forward dodge...
Known Bugs
Shouldn't be much, but sometimes the death cam goes all nuts
zooming the player character's face. Propably caused by the
level design in some parts, and the camera gets "jammed".
Please report any bugs to rautakuoro@hotmail.com
Sketchbook Sam has been created by Tommi Saalasti aka Froz.
Additional credits go to www.whiteninjacomics.com for the
"white ninja" character in the game (FAN ART! :D) and Nintendo
for the Super Mario Bros. stuff. Finally, thanks to Selfish
Shellfish for the music.
Battle Tactics 2 by Froz (50MB)
download from MPZ
download from Froz's Mods
Released at: 13 August 2004
official readme:
Battle Tactics 2 v1.0
(c) 2004 Tommi Saalasti aka Froz ( tommi.saalasti@pp.inet.fi )
A Max Payne 2 Total Conversion
Visit the BT2 bbs at:
First things first:
Thanks for taking your time by downloading my modification.
I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it.
Installing and Running:
Copy both the Battle_Tactics_2.mp2m and the "Videos" folder
to your Max Payne 2 directory. Start Max Payne 2 and select
"Battle_Tactics_2" from the modifications list and hit play.
Main Menu
After finished loading, you should see the Battle Tactics 2
main menu. I'm not going to explain everything that's already
covered in your Max Payne 2 manual, but only the new features.
- Choose your gamemode. Available modes are 1) Hostage Rescue
2) Elimination and 3) Bonus DMW. Description of each mode is
explained in the lower left corner of your screen.
- Apartments
- Downtown
- Harbor
- Train Depot
- Suburbs
- Warehouse
- VR
- Render filter: Choose a filter from various selectables.
Press ESC when ingame, go to Toolbox and render filter
and click one on the list and resume battle. Default
option resets the filter.
Battle Tactics 2 is a turn-based modification which means
that you take turn with the AI. Each turns lasts about 10
seconds and after that is next one's turn. The loop continues
as long as you're alive or all the enemies are dead, or
you have escorted the hostage in hostage rescue gamemode.
In some maps, once in a while, after one whole game turn has
passed, there will be crate drops, that contain ammo, health or a shield.
In addition to MP2 weapons there are two new weapons, the M249
SAW and Bazooka. See the "Tips" section in the main menu for
more information and tips.
Known bugs:
- There's a gamestopper bug when enemy dies on its own turn. Very
rare but still happens sometimes, especially with the bazooka
- "Warning beep" when your turn time is running out, isn't always
exact, due to time scaling.
Battle Tactics 2 is made by Tommi Saalasti aka Froz. M249 model
by Lunarblue and da12thMonkey, basic geometry of the suburbs level
by DarkReaper and red+white car prefabs by Gash. Thanks to the
whole Max Payne community including Max Payne HeadQuarters,DeepSix,
PayneReactor, 3dRealms's Forums, Max Payne Zone and Max Payne Area.
Special thanks to Remedy for developing the most ass kicking action
game out there.
A Second Chance - Chapter 1 1 by Venom4k (23MB)
download from MPHQ
download from Levels4you
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 11:21:00
A new story driven modification for max payne 2
-one new level
-Cinematic scenes within the level
-new(and old) graphic novel pages telling the story
-Max has a little beard now
-A light motion-blur effect in bullettime
Extra story info: This story takes place a few weeks after max rejoins the NYPD.
Tip: Use quick save to save once in while.
Venom4k - level , coding ,story and some prefabs.
Remedy - Textures and prefabs(and ofcourse the rest of the game).
MPH - Couch prefab.
Um-Bongo Rabban - Chrome berreta skin.
Razor Rage - Volcalc Lighting Render and beta-testing.
Comments: EBralts@hotmail.com
Extra: If you liked this mod , also try my Punisher test level for max payne 1
which can be found here: http://maxpayne.gamevision.g2h.de/download/download.php?id=66
Black AK-47 2 by Oldmanfunk (317KB)
download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:24:44
The AK47 has been reskinned to look darker, with high polish wood for stock and grip.
comments to: funk_fm@hotmail.com
Cinema Beta 2 by TerminX (37.8MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:43:37
Beta release of Cinema 2.0 for Max Payne 2
Changes from Cinema 1.6:
Console command GetSawedShotgun replaced with GetAnaconda
Console command GetMinigun now gives correct ammo
Player health raised to 200 from 175
Various changes to enemies of different difficulty levels.. weaker enemies are, naturally, easier, harder enemies are, of course, harder
Amount of BT gained from killing enemies slightly reduced
Minigun no longer triggers dynamic death camera
Minigun level item now gives correct ammo
New map added: updated version of the Subway_A map beta released by scorpianuk (uses dds textures, contains more of the level geometry.. isn't finished, unfortunately)
New map added: Face Off by AntiMatter
Minigun projectile changed to use new ultra low detail particle fx for generic impacts
Misc ragdoll changes in the hopes of making enemies not die the same way they did in MP2 over and over
Player grenade now somewhat of a fragmentation grenade, still trying to find right balance between performance and effect
Beretta ROF decreased
Desert Eagle ROF decreased
Striker magazine capacity now 5 rounds, Striker maximum ammo now 120, Striker ROF increased, shot spread decreased
Micro Uzi damage decreased and ROF increased
MP5 ROF increased
Kalashnikov ROF increased
M4A3 bullet spread slightly increased
Minigun reworked yet again
Grenade deaths make actors fly less wildly
Enemies can run when engaged in combat.. no more walking slowly
Moved static content like maps and music to different files
Decal limits increased
Minor weapon texture changes
Menu music changed
Samurai Jack music sample replaced with Sevendust - Enemy
BT track MagnetHead - Crybaby added
Mona skin updated
New blood particle and decals
Minor Max skin updates
Quite a few sounds redone
Cluster Mayhem by EnigmaZ (550KB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:48:39
Added mini-gun model (from Existence mod for Half-Life)
Added m79 model from max payne 1
tweaked shotgun damage (now sends enemys flying without lookin too unrealistic)
Changed sniper cam
BT spin reload skipable (hit space bar to skip)
-New blood particles (from PoeticJusticeV2 by Tek so credits go to him).
-New Default bullet hit particles (if you shoot a regular wall or the ground cool looking dust flys out).
-Tweaked bullet time (now when max kills 2 people in BT he gets 4 seconds of real slow bullet time).
-Added TWO EXTRA weapons, a Grenade Launcher and a Mini-Mini Gun, both of which use the Striker weapon model.
*updated*-added new sound for mini-mini gun, it now sounds like a mini gun and has a spin down sound when you finish
firing- (note, when you finish firing you will notice a slight echo, this is not a bug,
just something i havnt worked around yet)
*update2* lowered bulletspread on mini-mini gun*
-=Feel free to use any part of my mod for your own, just remember to give the original creator some credit=-
>>BIG thanks go out to kozak for making his flamethrower mod, without that i would've been stumped
>>on how to add extra guns :)
This is basically my Striker Mayhem mod except with the addition of cluster gremades to replace all normal grenades.
Striker Mayhem Mod vfinal By EnigmaZ
this is my first mod so if you think of any way
to improve it email me at gilliesmonster@hotmail.com
with max payne2 as the subject.
Added mini-gun model (from Existence mod for Half-Life)
Added m79 model from max payne 1
tweaked shotgun damage (now sends enemys flying without lookin too unrealistic)
Changed sniper cam
BT spin reload skipable (hit space bar to skip)
-New blood particles (from PoeticJusticeV2 by Tek so credits go to him).
-New Default bullet hit particles (if you shoot a regular wall or the ground cool looking dust flys out).
-Tweaked bullet time (now when max kills 2 people in BT he gets 4 seconds of real slow bullet time).
-Added TWO EXTRA weapons, a Grenade Launcher and a Mini-Mini Gun, both of which use the Striker weapon model.
*updated*-added new sound for mini-mini gun, it now sounds like a mini gun and has a spin down sound when you finish
firing- (note, when you finish firing you will notice a slight echo, this is not a bug,
just something i havnt worked around yet)
*update2* lowered bulletspread on mini-mini gun*
-=Feel free to use any part of my mod for your own, just remember to give the original creator some credit=-
>>BIG thanks go out to kozak for making his flamethrower mod, without that i would've been stumped
>>on how to add extra guns :)
Dojo by Kendo (1.2MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:14:33
ok first map alittle short but i hope you like it
thanks to mixuk grazer gashtar and da12thmonkey
Fight by no idea (3.6MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:06:21
An open house with bad guys spawning...
Inuyasha4's First Level Collection Final by Inuyasha4 (24MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 11:45:02
This is the first mod Inuyasha4 ever made! This pack includes 3 levels and 1 cinema scene, that I made to learn the basics of modding. The three level names are:
Inuyasha4's First Battle
Inuyasha4's Max Payne 1 Import
Max's First Encounter-An alternate story for Max Payne 2
The cut scene is called:
Vlads and Wintersons
I hope you enjoy the pack. There will be more released so each pack I come up with will have 3 Levels and a cut scene.
Just keep in mind this is my first mod ever. If you have any comments, questions, or want to use one of my ideas, Email me at LukeSkye@aol.com with the subject Inuyasha4. I would like some constructive criticism.
Updates from previous version-
A little better Vlads and Wintersons
Added cut scenes
New textures
Better coding
Know bugs-
-In the Max Payne 1 import level,if you(or mona) get hit by the shooting wall you might fall through the ground. Who cares anyway, your dead already!
-The shooting wall in Max's First encounter doesn't shoot as well.
"Bad Voice Bob" Bob smithman-He did all the voices(even winterson). I didn't do it myself because I couldn't get in the mood.
Thanks to the nice people and the 3D Realms Forums who helped me fix some problems I had.
As I stated earlier there will be more map packs coming ahead.
Also some pictures come with the pack!
Killer Church - DMW by Froz (2.7MB)
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:07:50
Upload Datum: 31.10.2003 - 7:03
download from MPHQ
download from MPA
Lobby Shootout Alpha 2 by Jokke_r (12.5MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 11:34:09
Lobby mod alpha2 wip demo...
level and 90% of textures by Jokke_r, wall textures based on Kemicals textures.
metal detector guard skins and hat level items and neo and trinity skins by uisor.
dual mp5's made by matze, coded by Jokke_r/matze
overall coding by Jokke_r
menu art by Jokke_r
music and bg sounds are property of warner brothers i think :)
- cinematics aren't finished.... ending explosion not included yet since it's not perfected.
- lighting ain't final
- sometimes the guards tend not to run out after respawn... just fire som bullets and they'll come runnin for ya
i'm pretty much aware of every other not mentioned issue so you don't haveto whine about em...
NO and NO, you can't use anything from this mp2m file... you can look at the text file and see how the simple tweaks were done
but you can't use my level or any skin files or model files or art inclided in this mod.
you can extract and modify for personal usage, but you aren't allowed to release a mod which includes content from this mp2m file...
contact me at
Jokke_r@hotmail.com -- msn also...
irc: you can usually find me on #maxpayne, #maxpayne2mods @quakenet
also check out the forum threads on 3drealms and maxpaynsource...
and also thanks to:
just cos they are cool sites ;D...
Mona Sax Drug War Ep.1 - Hostages 1 by Raffaello (47.5MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 11:35:55
Mona Sax Drug War - Episode 1: Hostages
This is the first episode of a series about an alternate universe in which
Mona Sax and Max Payne are partners in the NYPD.
- Mona Sax must rescue five unarmed hostages
- Hostages will be under fire: yours too!
- If one hostage dies, the game ends
- Mona has to reach the end of the map with all
five hostages alive to complete the game
- One brand new level
- Cinematic scenes
- Graphic novel pages
- Custom loading screen
- Mona has a black leather jacket
- Raffaello: concept, mapping, scripting, prefabs
- Ghast: Patrol, large table, lamp and buick prefabs
- Remedy Entertainment Ltd: game engine, textures, prefabs
How to install:
- Extract "Hostages.mp2m" file into your Max Payne 2 folder
- Start the game and choose "Hostages" from the Custom Game drop down menu
Mona Sax Drug War - Episode 1: Hostages
This is the first episode of a series about an alternate universe in which
Mona Sax and Max Payne are partners in the NYPD.
- Mona Sax must rescue five unarmed hostages
- Hostages will be under fire: yours too!
- If one hostage dies, the game ends
- Mona has to reach the end of the map with all
five hostages alive to complete the game
- One brand new level
- Cinematic scenes
- Graphic novel pages
- Custom loading screen
- Mona has a black leather jacket
- Raffaello: concept, mapping, scripting, prefabs
- Ghast: Patrol, large table, lamp and buick prefabs
- Remedy Entertainment Ltd: game engine, textures, prefabs
How to install:
- Extract "Hostages.mp2m" file into your Max Payne 2 folder
- Start the game and choose "Hostages" from the Custom Game drop down menu
(C) 2004 - Raffaello - rvalensise@hotmail.com
*** Do not distribute without this file ***
Murder Burger - DMW by D-Silence (5.4MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:16:29
Copy the MurderBurger Inc.mp2m file to your Max Payne 2 installation directory.
- A new DMW-level
- new orginal music
- new skin textures
- Special Power-up (use once / immortal for 30sec and full health) that gives a completly new tactic angle in playing DMW.
- Other cool tweaks :)
Remedy Entertaiment for creating Max Payne 2 & releasing MOD-Tools.
My friend Tshaz for creating the music.
My girlfriend Jenny for putting up with my 50+ h work on this mod and for lending her voice to the Power-Up Music. I LOVE YOU!
The textures are from:
- Max Payne texture Pack 1
- Discreet 3D Studio Max
- Handcrafted by me.
- Taken from internet and edited by me.
Murder Burger 2 - DMW by D-Silence (5.9MB) download directly
Released: ?
MurderBurger Inc. 2nd Edition a Max Payne 2 DMW-mod.
Created by D-Silence
Music by Tshaz (voice by Jenny)
Copy the MurderBurger Inc.mp2m file to your Max Payne 2 installation directory.
- A new DMW-level
- new orginal music
- new skin textures
- Special Power-up (use once / immortal for 30sec and full health) that gives a completly new tactic angle in playing DMW.
- Teleport (use once per minute)
- lots of handmade prefabs.
- Other cool tweaks & secrets :)
Remedy Entertaiment for creating Max Payne 2 & releasing MOD-Tools.
My friend Tshaz for creating the music.
My girlfriend Jenny for putting up with my 70+ h work on this mod and for lending her voice to the Power-Up Music and drawing one of the paintings. I LOVE YOU!
The textures are from:
- Max Payne texture Pack 1
- Discreet 3D Studio Max
- Handcrafted by me.
- Taken from internet and edited by me.
- www.3dcafe.com / Free stuff
Used some of Remedy Entertaiment's released Prefabs.
P90 by AcousticToad (463KB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:26:33
This adds a P90 to the game
Silenced Beretta 2 by fyrwurxx (555KB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:27:48
This is essentially the original Beretta model, altered with
a silencer. The MOD includes both a silenced Beretta and
dual silenced Berettas as two separate weapons (i.e., your
inventory will include Beretta, dual Berettas, silenced
Beretta, dual silenced Berettas, etc.)
To get the silenced Beretta in-game, pull down the console
and type either "coder", "GetSilencedBeretta", or
"GetAllWeapons" (without quotes).
Please refer any other technical issues, comments or
suggestions to fyrwurxx:
* SN "fyrwurxx" on AIM
* fyrwurxx@hotmail.com
* PM "fyrwurxx" on forums.3drealms.com
Model : Remedy
Silencer : Fluffy
Sound : Fluffy
MOD : fyrwurxx
Version History:
* Reduced the size of the silencer muzzle opening
* Fixed female skeleton issue
* Added dual silenced Berettas
* Added muzzleflash effect
* Fixed HUD issues
* Fixed various model issues
* Added separate shootsounds
Silenced M4 Carbine by ? (3.4MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:29:38
Subway_A - DMW by ScorpianUK (2.5MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 11:56:23
The Subway level of Max Payne 1
The Building by ThetheoryX (17.5MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 11:59:07
It`s in sort of a beta stage at the moment.
I`m still learning MaxEd2 so please be patient with me.
There is no end to this level and there`s no actual storyline for this map yet. I`m
trying to think of some concepts for it. Any help or suggestions would be greatly
I guess this is version 1.0 of my map mod so the features are:
Modified Bullet Time
Some probs with the level:
Has some lag but that really depends on your videocard.
If you want to contact me on anything about my map:
thanks for trying out my first level!
The House by Fraenk (7.1MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:06:07
The House © by Fraenk
Kopiert einfach die mp2m datei (the_house_by_fraenk.mp2m) in euer max payne verzeichnis.
Dann starte MAx Payne und wählt dann bei choose costomized Game the_house_by_fraenk aus.
Dann könnt ihr die Map bei den DMW Maps auswählen.
Viel Spass beim Zocken!!!!!
© by Fraenk
The Sanctuary 1 (DMW) by ukjackal (13.5MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 11:37:54
The Sanctuary DMW - by UKJackal (Email: jackal@battle-fields.com)
-New DMW level
-Powerup available to give invulnerability for a short period of time
-Minigun becomes available to pickup (the icon that looks like an M) after the first 2 minutes of survival
-Copy thesanctuary.mp2m to ..\..\Rockstar Games\Max Payne 2
-Choose The Sanctuary level from the DMW menu
-> Stairs prefab - Aknott (http://aknott.free.fr )
-> Various prefabs - Remedy (http://www.remedy.fi)
-> Powerup concept and design - Dsilence (http://members.atlasf1.com/dsilence/)
-> Modified Minigun from Cinema - Terminx (http://cinema.sourceforge.net/):
[Model - originally created by "The Punisher" for Quake 3]
-> Background music - E.S Posthumus: Pompeii
-> Candle flame - Kemical (http://www.datatragedy.com/)
-> Textures from Photorealistic Texture pack - BerneyBoy (http://www.planetquake.com/berneyboy/)
Underground - DMW 1 by Aknott (4.3MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 12:03:20
"Underground" DMW Map for Max Payne 2 - Version 1.0 (november 30th of 2003)
by Aknott
Please note :
The textures extracted from original Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne content
are property of Remedy Entertainment Ltd. The use of textures is limited by
the End User Licence Agreement in Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne.
Please give me credits if you plan to add this level in a mod.
Where is the Exit 1 by Timmyy (8.8MB) download from MPHQ
Submitted At: 2004-03-25 11:39:29
The title says it all. Get to the exit!
Lupino Fight by Uisor
Released: ?
dark and spooky. A remake of the level from Max Payne 1.
The official bonus chapters (DMW) by Remedy
Released: ?
Download from Rockstar
m1tCh's Church - DMW by m1tCh